Comic book writer, illustrator and publisher Corey “Roc Bottom” Davis of RocBottom Studios has independently made incredible strides with his marquee character Jet Boy. The hero of his Jet Boy comic book series will soon star in the long-awaited Jet Boy: The Animated Series and appear on Netflix series Outer Banks season 2.

Part of Jet Boy’s ascension as the next great Black superhero is being creative, tense, funny, and fun to watch. In a recently released preview of Jet Boy: The Animated Series viewers were able to watch an action-packed clash between Jet Boy and his adversary Flaming Smiley. Says Davis: “The moment I was waiting for! The confrontation between Flaming Smiley and Jet Boy! We wanted this to be the pitch to Netflix. We wanted to give them action, so it had to stand out. It did! |THIS.

[By Mr. Joe Walker]