Take Your Pic: Chapter 3


Case is not smiling in this picture. He’s laughing. And if you look closely at me, you can tell my smile’s a bit embellished by mild embarrassment. He and I, and celebrity photographer and publisher Doug Sims, met up following a Bad Boy Reunion Tour stop.

Case was a special guest performer on the show, and Doug and I wanted to kick it with him in a quiet area for a bit, knock out an interview while we were at it, then head into the afterparty.

Most people know Case for being a great singer and songwriter with notable hits. His talents have afforded him 25 years of success in the recording industry. What most people don’t know is that Case is a hilarious jokester with impeccable whit and comedic timing.

While we sat there, he, basically, performed a stand-up routine about how much he thought I resembled R&B singer Joe (Thomas). He’d just finished singing “I Want to Know” and laughing about it when this picture was taken. |THIS.

[By Mr. Joe Walker | Photo by Doug Sims (who was laughing too)]