Above & Beyond: “AOTA has increased my knowledge in music making.”


If you frequent coffeeshops, local festivals, park events, farmers markets, or stumble upon pop-up events in the Lansing, MI area, chances are you’ve been in the presence of Gabe Hammes’ music. 

At only 15, Gabe has been writing and performing as a multi-instrumentalist and singer/songwriter for 4 years already! He signed up for our All of the Above HipHop Academy  B.A.R.S (Beats and Rhymes Sessions) program winter of 2019. 

Gabe’s plan was further his understanding of music composition through the lenses of hip-hop production. He understood that the skills he would develop might add to his already robust repertoire as an artist.

Did we mention he’s only 15?!

He is insanely talented, but not only that, wise beyond his years. His drive is remarkable but what make it so special is that he possesses a level of discipline that many twice his age wish they had.

Gabe was featured at our LEPFA (Lansing Entertainment and Public Facilities Authority) “Grand Concert Series” event this past summer. He played guitar, sang original songs and collaborated with the rest of the AOTA Fresh Class ‘19 crew for an amazing show.

After a busy summer of performance and song writing, he committed to taking time off to focus on other important aspects of his life.  At his age, with the kind of talent that will open doors left and right for him, to understand the importance of balance is something to admire.

We’re so proud of Gabe and what he offers our world as a creative, caring, mindful, and intentional young man.  

As Community members and practitioners in hip-hop, we understand the value of creating support and opportunities around our young creatives for council, for tutelage, for perspective and learning. This work is important.

Thank you for supporting our efforts. |THIS


All of the Above HipHop Academy is a 501(c)3 organization of artists and educators using the elements of Hip-Hop culture to mentor youth, support their artistic expression, build their confidence, and nurture their development into community leaders. Our program teaches writing, break dancing, music production, and street art, meeting the needs of the youth across Lansing, MI

[Written by Ozay Moore | Follow THIS on Twitter @THISENT1]