Week-long mural festival Below The Stacks, took place in REO Town Lansing, MI September 15 – 21, 2019. Presented by Muralmatics and All of the Above HipHop Academy, one year later there’s still plenty left from the event to talk about and celebrate.
I spent most of that first day, a kickoff event called “Art Attack”, standing on a stage in the square with two of my AOTA Creative brothers, Ess Be and Y’z council.
The three of us had the task of entertaining the event visitors, me with words and them with music. And they created a soundtrack of hip-hop and soul music that kept people engaged, smiling, and dancing throughout.
For a while, though, the festival visitors were pretty spread out.
Many were behind us painting the community mural, some partook of all the good food available on site, and others explored the many vendors and business owners displayed in the area. This kept the center of the square open.
Our AOTA brother James Henson aka Scorpion took advantage. A B-boy with exceptional contemporary dance skill, he twisted and contorted his body to the jams while people watched and applauded from afar.
Before long Scorpion’s solo routines drew the attention of a fellow B-boy who strode up looking to battle.
His facial expression suggesting just how battle-ready he was, Scorpion accepted his challenge without hesitation. |THIS.
All of the Above HipHop Academy is a 501(c)3 organization of artists and educators using the elements of Hip-Hop culture to mentor youth, support their artistic expression, build their confidence, and nurture their development into community leaders. Our program teaches writing, breaking, music production, and street art, meeting the needs of the youth across Lansing, MI
[By Mr. Joe Walker | Photo by Kendall D. Lartigue]

We go “Above & Beyond” every Wednesday at 8:00 AM!