Actress and Dancer Tiffany Daniels answers our “22 to 23” Questionnaire: THIS INTERVIEW is Special


When we look back on 2022, we’ll remember a year that challenged our resourcefulness, emotions, unity, and finances. In the face of these obstacles, we learned the infinite value of togetherness. In THIS INTERVIEW we revisit the last 12 months from the perspective of actress, dancer, producer, and director Tiffany Daniels.

Blessed with a remarkable range of extraordinary gifts, Tiffany glows under the spotlight on the biggest stages and screens of all sizes. Having the Hollywood Bowl and IMAX on her resume, she’s dazzled as Lorraine in Hairspray, as Squeak in Oprah Winfrey’s The Color Purple, and twirled with a surefooted ensemble in Oscar-winning classic LA LA Land.

Whether Tiffany is in motion with fellow dancers on Sherman’s Showcase or bantering both comedically and dramatically as Trish Alexander on hit Nickelodeon series That Girl Lay Lay, her lines are always fluid.

Tiffany took time out of her busy schedule to share some of her thoughts with us, answering THIS questionnaire about her life in 2022 and what to expect from her in 2023. THIS is for YOU!

How would you summarize 2022?

Full, and more specifically full of firsts! I filled my year with more Yes’ than No’s. I refined my circle of friends. I packed my days with artistic creation. I gained so much knowledge, expanded my awareness, and even experienced deep loss. Not every day was perfect … but every day was impactful and nothing less than profound.

What was the best song, album, television show, movie, and podcast of the year?

Kendrick Lamar’s Mr. Morale & The Big Steppers was my favorite album that I downloaded this year. The White Lotus and Abbott Elementary were my favorite shows but I still have a long list to catch up on. I only went to the movies twice this year; I know, not cool, Tiff! But Black Panther: Wakanda Forever was the 2nd movie I saw, and it was magical!

Did you read anything inspiring or influential that you would recommend to others?

I am an audiobook hoarder. Yes, I said it! And I am a sucker for an autobiography read by the author. If you have never, then you must! This year I listened to Will by Will Smith, and it changed all the games. I also listened to Finding Me by Viola Davis, I Can’t Make This Up by Kevin Hart, The Last Black Unicorn by Tiffany Haddish, and I am currently listening to Around the Way Girl by Taraji P. Henson. I can’t be stopped. HA!

What’s something you did to help someone in need, whether you knew them or not?

This year my community experienced quite a bit of loss. Some friends broke up with their long-time partners, and some lost their husband, father, and boss. Much of my year has been showing up in any way possible for each and every one of us dealing with some level of grief. It hits us all in different ways and at different times. I made it my duty to hold space for any and all of it.

Recall for us the most surprising thing you heard all year.

There is a sequence of numbers that I see all the time and it’s actually been happening to me for a couple years. For the longest time, I just thought it was a cool coincidence because the sequence is this: 1234. So, I finally decided to look it up and I was pleasantly surprised to find out what it means in Angel Numbers/Numerology, according to trusty Google, that is. This sequence means that ‘the time has come for you to reap the rewards of all your hard work. 1234 is a message from the angels that you are on the right track’. If I look back at the last couple years, this tracks and I am so here for it!

How did you celebrate your birthday?

I was so very fortunate to be filming an episode of my TV show on my birthday. In my world, there is no better way to celebrate another circle around the sun than by making some money, doing exactly what I love to do! The episode we were filming that week also happened to be the biggest storyline for my character thus far in the series.

I got to flex all my skills, and prove to not only the executives, the network, but mostly myself, that I continue to elevate to new levels and shine bright like the diamond I was born to be. There is no greater birthday gift I could have asked for.

Why is it important to live every moment of your life to the fullest?

If I have learned nothing else from the year 2022, it is that life is so incredibly short, and every day we wake up to another chance and another opportunity is a gift. It is not to be wasted or taken for granted. We have no idea how long our journeys in this lifetime will be, so when that time does come, I want zero regrets and zero f***s left to give!

Were you able to achieve the goals you set?

I can confidently say that I accomplished more this year than I ever have before, and way more than I could have even imagined. I don’t necessarily make resolutions at the top of the year, but I set Intentions and I have ever-evolving desires and dreams. My goal every year is to work consistently and never stop showing up for myself. The shape of that consistency changes throughout the year, but I can always check that box by December 31st.

Which of your blessings would you say was the biggest?

It is impossible for me to just choose one! This year was packed full of blessings, some obvious and some in disguise. This year my TV show got extended to 39 episodes, which I didn’t even know was possible in television. I also spoke into existence my directorial debut this year, directing 7 actors in an incredibly well written stage play.

I added a publicity team to my creative corporation and have expanded my promotional reach. I became a Godparent to two incredible kids and made a life changing commitment to my mental health. Blessings upon blessings.

Tell us how you evolved over the last 12 months. Did you experience a defining moment?

These two go hand in hand for me in 2022. I had the honor, privilege, and a front row seat to watch my showrunner, executive producer, mentor, and friend David A. Arnold accomplish some big life goals for himself. He made magic happen on a daily basis, walked in his purpose from moment to moment, and inspired every single person that crossed his path. He was on the brink of superstardom, and it was incredible to witness.

He, unfortunately, passed away this year and I have never been so equally impacted by someone’s presence and absence. His energy lives on in the most powerful of ways, and I live every day from this point forward, to honor him and make him proud.

What can we expect from you in 2023?

Unwavering tenacity. Consistent action. Continued refinement. Success. Sparkle. And a whole lot more shine. Look out for Tiff D in 2023. She’s coming! | THIS ENT

[By Mr. Joe Walker | Photo by Wes Klein Photography]