Because I got pregnant in the 12th grade, I heard people say I would be on the system, barefoot and pregnant. People believed I wouldn’t do anything with my life.

For years I worked hard to prove those people wrong because I couldn’t let them see me fall. And the crazy thing is, they didn’t even know they were the reason behind my drive.

They didn’t know I heard them say that. But I realized it was a complete waste of precious time.

Instead of seeking purpose and pursuing passion and things I should’ve done and wanted to do, I was working hard to prove myself successful to others, to prove them wrong.

Don’t give people that much power over you. Don’t waste your time. Live in purpose and do things that you love. Seek God’s plan and purpose. Don’t pimp yourself out to the highest paying employer, like I did, just to collect lots of money to be “successful” but hate your job.

It’s never too late to open your eyes and change direction.

I was 35 years old when I made changes. That was 6 years ago. Seek wisdom and wise counsel, not opinions.

Success is subjective.

There’s so much more to life and life is way too short.

Free yourself and your mind. | THIS ENT

[By Keisha Crawford]

Editor’s Note: Keisha is one of the best and most creative and honest writers alive today. We’re grateful that she shares her thoughts via