Aneesa Sheikh answers THIS GOOD QUESTION: How would you summarize your experiences last year?


Welcome to this edition of GOOD QUESTION, brought to you by and The Exotic Shoppe! I’m your columnist M.J. Walker.

Throughout my illustrious career as an entertainment writer and journalist, I’ve been blessed with opportunities to speak with many notable and famous persons. One of them is the multitalented founder of Music4M.I.R.A.C.L.E. and Miss Michigan Teen USA 2020 Aneesa Sheikh!

During our conversation I asked the singer, songwriter, and model THIS GOOD QUESTION: How would you summarize your experiences last year?

She answered, “2020 was a year of growth.

Being Miss Michigan Teen USA, finishing high school, starting college, releasing music, and modeling exposed me to experiences and lessons that enabled personal growth and learning more life lessons this past year than any other, thus far.

Living out these experiences with the pandemic was unique and challenging at times, but also accomplishing them made everything much more special.” |THIS.

[By M.J. Walker]

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