Anthony Anderson answers THIS GOOD QUESTION: “Exodus 20:12” VOL. 2


It is a blessing when remarkable people that we admire make time to speak with us. Those shared interviews are reflections of us both, that’s why it’s imperative that what we ask them matters.

One of those persons we were blessed to speak with was actor, producer, and comedian Anthony Anderson!

During our conversation we asked him this GOOD QUESTION: What were you taught by the people who raised you?

He answered, “I was taught that, as a young man, I don’t only represent myself. This is something I teach my son.

You’re not only out there representing yourself. You represent your family. You represent our name!

It’s much bigger than you. That was taught to me at an early age.

My mother always said, ‘Don’t you [mess] up my name!’ Those are her words, and still are to this day.

There’s two different tones people can have when they say, ‘there goes that Anderson boy’.

They could say it with a smile, like ‘There goes that Anderson boy!’ Or, ‘There goes that Anderson boy.’

Same words, two different connotations.” |THIS.

[By M.J. Walker]

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