Dear entertainment-loving visitor of,
This is award-winning visual artist Mila Lynn and producer/recording artist Torrey Gray. We are pleased to name them as our FEATURED ARTIST OF THE WEEK!
For the third consecutive year these two influential, creative artists are teaming up for INKTOBER; every day during the month of October they craft both an original visual (portrait by Mila) and audio (song by Torrey) creation for their catalog based on prompts provided by the INKTOBER Organization.

The art is auctioned daily from 8pm to 11:59pm EST on Instagram (bids start at $150) and the music uploaded on The artwork is displayed at Veghead in downtown Lansing, MI.
Our team found their work to be worthy of special recognition. We hope you do as well.
For more, visit HERE. We believe it will make fine use of your time.
We invite you to contact us should you have any questions, concerns, or compliments regarding us naming Mila Lynn and Torrey Gray as our FEATURED ARTIST OF THE WEEK.
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