Dear entertainment-loving visitor of,

This is performance artist Nat Spinz. We are pleased to name her as our FEATURED ARTIST OF THE WEEK!

Known for leaving audiences captivated, awestruck, and smiling, Nat is a master flow artist specializing in hoop dancing. What she does with hula hoops is breathtaking, but her act doesn’t stop there.

When teamed with her crew Flames ‘N Dames, Nat and her sultry companions make spectators sweat with their death-defying fire dance routines. A member of The Motley Misfits also, Nat is adding aerial ring routines to her repertoire.

When not headlining festivals, conventions, and her own events, Nat is busy sharing her wisdom with up-and-comers through her Hoop Dancing Class. A patient instructor, she eases attendees through the fine details while simultaneously improving their cardio health.

Our team found Nat’s work to be worthy of special recognition. We hope you do as well.

For more from Nat, visit HERE. We believe it will make fine use of your time.

We invite you to contact us should you have any questions, concerns, or compliments regarding us naming Nat Spinz as our FEATURED ARTIST OF THE WEEK.

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