Best of 2019 Review: 61Syx Teknique 15 Year Anniversary Jam at The Pyramid Scheme, Congratulations K-Rock and Conquer


On June 16, 2019, 61Syx Teknique Street Dance Academy celebrated their 15-year anniversary at The Pyramid Scheme in Grand Rapids, MI.

The “61Syx Teknique 15 Year Anniversary Jam” was the place to be for love and support of b-boys and b-girls using breakdance to express themselves and discipline their minds and bodies.

Rooted in hip-hop culture, 61Syx SDA has educated everyone willing to learn for a decade and a half. During this night of celebration, Grand Rapids’ #1 dance crew and breakdance educator presented a 2v2 Kids’ Breaking Battle.

With many on hand, including DJs Monk Matthaeus and Druski on the ones-and-twos, Love Peace Unity Grand Rapids (LPUGR) founders K-Rock and Conquer walked away the 2v2 champions. would like to congratulate 61Syx SDA on 15 years of excellence and congratulate Conquer and K-Rock on their victory. Let the poppers pop and the breakers break. |THIS

[Written by Mr. Joe Walker | Follow THIS on Twitter @THISENT1]