On February 23, 2019, hip-hop star James Gardin held a release show for his new album ‘Sweet Jesus’ at The Robin Theatre in Lansing, MI. An exciting, funny, and incredibly inspiring talent, it was no surprise this was a sold-out event.

We were on hand and, like everyone else, left smiling with dope-music-induced neck injuries.

A native of Lansing, James’ fans packed the venue to get their first taste of audio confection. Produced by Heat, the new studio set did not disappoint. It’s amazing both lyrically and sonically from start to finish, and we enjoyed watching the widely-impressed expressions of everyone around us.

Following the album presentation and thrilling live performances, James and Heat took a seat on stage for an engaging interview conducted by fellow hip-hop artist Jahshua Smith. They discussed the creative and personal aspects of bringing ‘Sweet Jesus’ to life, which concluded with James’ endearing shout outs to his family.

As James mingled with his admirers and signed their copies of his new release, his guest DJ Etta Unofficial took to the turntables to spin an eclectic, soulful mix that got everyone dancing the night away. |THIS

[Written by Mr. Joe Walker | Follow THIS on Twitter @THISENT1]