We’re having thirds with touring hip-hop artist Erik StephenI! Thanks to the success of his “From My Car” and “From My Car: Shotgun” live streaming performances on Stageit.com, he’s doing again on May 4, 2020 – Star Wars Day – with “Trapped In Carbonite”. In THIS INTERVIEW we discuss the upcoming show and the galaxy far, far away. Enjoy!
THIS: We’re so disappointed we missed “From My Car: Shotgun”! Were you upset we weren’t there?
Erik Stephen: Of course I was!
THIS: We’re so sorry!
Erik Stephen: I cried for the first 40 minutes. I don’t think my viewers were ready for that.
THIS: We’re so, so sorry! Please tell us, Erik, how was it compared to your first StageIt show?
Erik Stephen: Other than the crying it was awesome! More people attended that one than the first one. And they were really interactive.
THIS: You’re hilarious! We’re glad it went so well. Did you open with “I Kill Giants”? Since we suggested it, we’re going to gloat a little bit if you did.
Erik Stephen: I did not. I did do the song, but I didn’t open with it.
THIS: That’s okay. We’re not going to cry…just yet. You’ve got “Trapped In Carbonite” – nice play on words, by the way – coming up on May 4th. What can we expect from that live show?
Erik Stephen: First off, thanks for catching that. It’s Star Wars themed obviously, to celebrate Star Wars Day. I’ll be doing my Star Wars themed songs and a few others. And I may or may not have surprise guests from the Star Wars universe. If I was a betting man, I’d put all my money on “may not”.
THIS: Besides the obvious, what else made you want to give Han Solo the LL Cool J “I’m Bad” treatment on your promo art?
Erik Stephen: I figured LL wasn’t using it anymore, so… I actually wanted to put me in carbonite, but I wasn’t getting the look I wanted so I combined one of the greatest of all time and LL Cool J.
THIS: I think Harrison Ford and Uncle L would get a laugh out of that! Since we’re talking the galaxy far, far away, we’ve really been into Star Wars: The Clone Wars Season 7. What’s your take on the final season and what’s been your favorite episode?
Erik Stephen: I really liked the Bad Batch arc, but my favorite moment so far has been when Anakin takes Ahsoka to the Clone Troopers and they painted their helmets in honor or her. It was such an amazing moment of respect. That gave me all the feels.
THIS: We got the feels realizing that was the last time she’d see him as Anakin. But back to your next StageIt show. If you could pick one Star Wars character to be your hype-person during “Trapped In Carbonite” on May 4, who would it be?

Erik Stephen: Definitely Ahsoka. She’s my favorite character. She always wants to do the right thing even when the Jedi don’t believe in her. Plus, she carries two lightsabres. So, replace those with mics and she could bring the hype like nobody else. |THIS.
[Written by Mr. Joe Walker]