Casper answers THIS GOOD QUESTION: What areas is humanity in need of growth?


Welcome to this edition of GOOD QUESTION, brought to you by! I’m your columnist M.J. Walker.

Throughout my illustrious career as an entertainment writer and journalist, I’ve been blessed with opportunities to speak with many notable and famous persons. One of them is award-winning singer, songwriter, and producer Casper!

During our conversation I asked Casper THIS GOOD QUESTION:What areas is humanity in need of growth?

He answered, “Well, more love and peace to start off with.

We need to empower others more to pursue their paths in life and uplift them to be the best they can be in any situation. 

Music can be a powerful tool with the right lyrical message. You can encourage people to live a better life, bring unity, and help them understand their rights. And let them know they’re not alone!

We are all worth the fight. We just have to believe the world can change with the hands of each other and God.” |THIS.

[By M.J. Walker]