Character Profile: Cane Tejada of ‘Power Book II: Ghost’ Season 2


Here in this Character Profile, I breakdown my thoughts on Cane Tejada on Power Book II: Ghost Season 2 and who he is as a person.

I go over attributes and things that make Cane a major character in the show!

Cane is the older of Monet’s kids as we have recently found out that Zeke Cross is actually her son and older brother of Cane.

Cane is someone that acts first and asks questions later. The ability to be an enforcer has served his family well and he is someone that his family can count on when they need someone to be put down or a mess needs to be cleaned up.

Cane is swift, brutal, and merciless when it comes to his enemies or anyone that threatens his family. Although he is a junior, he earned the nickname of “Cane” because when he was a kid he got into all kinds of trouble and would come through wherever he went like a hurricane. |THIS.

[By Alex The Host]