Cherish It, Use It: Time Is Invaluable [Written by Keisha Crawford]


Time is one of our most valuable resources.

Most of us can admit that we waste a lot of time complaining, procrastinating, hating on other people’s accomplishments, or simply doing nothing. But I want to encourage you to use your time to nourish the thoughts, ideas, dreams and aspirations that keep nagging at you.

Those ideas were planted in you for a reason. So, whatever it is that you desire to do, take the time to develop it. Don’t bog yourself down with unrealistic timelines because they only make you feel like a failure which leads to quitting.

I had a real mental breakdown on my 30th birthday because I told myself that I needed $50,000 saved in my bank account and a Master’s Degree in Nursing by the time I was 30-years-old.

Well, 30 came and went. I’m about to be 40 this year and I still have neither one of those things. And guess what? I didn’t need them!

My purpose is making people laugh. I don’t need a master’s degree for that. And 50 stacks in the bank would be great, but I’m making it just fine without it.

Eventually, I realized that my time is more important than timelines.  I also realized that our timelines have nothing to do with what God has planned for us in His timing.

So be encouraged. Start. Dream. Try new things. Count every accomplishment no matter how small you think it is. It’s progress. You may not know what you’re doing, it may not make sense, but if it’s in your heart, do it!

It’s been 4 years since I decided to leave my full-time job to pursue acting and entrepreneurship. I had no clue how to get it done, but I started right where I was. And because of that, I’ve done things I never saw myself doing, like being on a gameshow, hiking a mountain in California, being a guest on a radio show in Baltimore, being runner-up of a business pitch competition, doing background work on TV shows where I’ve met some of my favorite actors, and I’ve been in a stage play. I even started my own LLC!

I’m not where I think I should be with my business, but I’ve learned to trash my timelines and be completely satisfied with God’s timing. Be encouraged and count every victory. Any step towards improvement is progress, so celebrate it.

It’s ok to give yourself props. You deserve it. No matter how much money we make or how hard we work, we’ll never be able to buy time. So, let’s cherish it and use it to enjoy life while we can and help others along the way. Be encouraged so you can encourage others.

Peace, love and soul, y’all! |THIS.

[By Keisha Crawford of LOL Solutions, LLC]