[Art (noun): 1. the expression or application of human creative skill and imagination, producing works to be appreciated primarily for their beauty or emotional power. 2. the various branches of creative activity.]

Christmas movies encompass what the festive day, and the sometimes not-so-festive days leading up to it, are all about. And these movies glamorize those moments through an eclectic array of stories, and imaginative and relatable characters.

But the colorful holiday season is not about seclusion. It’s best enjoyed with others, all grouped together sharing their feelings, memories, laughs, gifts and gamut of emotions.

A good Christmas movie is a true work of art, but which film is the best of them all? Maybe for you it’s Gremlins!

You know the rules: Keep them away from bright light, don’t get them wet, and don’t ever feed them after midnight.

Produced by Steven Spielberg, written by Chris Columbus, and directed by Joe Dante, this holiday tale of little evil green monsters frightens and fascinates!

Funny, suspenseful, and just a tiny bit violent, Gremlins remains a must-see year-after-year.

Gremlins also makes you reconsider where you shop during the holiday season and in what ways you use your microwave and blender.

We at THISENT.com recommend that you check it out!

This is art. |THIS.