Classic Review REMIXED: AmeriKKKa’s Nightmare by Spice 1


I wasn’t an immediate fan of Spice 1 like many of my peers. It was my late cousin Louis who swayed me, and he did it with this album.

Louis studied the flows and subject matter choices of the greats. I was lucky to sit through many of his sessions.  The Spice 1 study hall was about paying attention to rhythm, tempo, and timing.

Spice 1 excellently depicted dark settings and situations on AmeriKKKa’s Nightmare, and the Bay area rhymer did this over both dreary and funky production.

This album ranks among the elite, one of the best hip-hop albums ever recorded and released.

That is all.

Thank you for reading, God bless you, and have a great night. |THIS.

[By Mr. Joe Walker]