Classic REVIEW: The Allspark by Mark Cooper


Creative beats and rhymes genius “Player One” Mark Cooper continued his 5-album Player One Saga with the exciting and considerably more electric second entry The Allspark.

Diving deeper into the mythos he’s created, his adventurous trek to the final showdown with Major Label at Gerald’s Field is paved with crisp kicks, futuristic chords, and tight character-reference-heavy verses that I enjoyed considerably.

Following the neck-breaking “Title Screen”, Cooper goes on a rhyme frenzy over the heavy bass of “Chunin Exams” before slowing things down for a moment with the chill vibes of “Crown Royal”.

What I enjoy most is how this album progresses seamlessly from beginning to end. Tracks “Beam Me Up” featuring Jack Boy ant, Disney homage “Magic” featuring Key Jay, “Stormtroopers” – which boasts the LP’s best hook, and “Bruce Wayne” featuring Gameboy Jones and Mega Ran are unarguable standouts.

Here’s the pedestal: The Allspark stands as a proper, well thought-out and produced second act that’s an upgrade of its excellent predecessor.

Give it and the entire series a listen, preparing yourself for the epic finale, Gerald’s Field, which releases 02-22-22! |THIS.

[By Mr. Joe Walker]