Claudia Hall Christian answers THIS GOOD QUESTION: Block Party Volume #2


It is a blessing when remarkable persons that we admire make time to speak with us. Those shared interviews are reflections of us both, that’s why it’s imperative that what we ask matters.

One of those persons we were blessed to speak with was award-winning, best-selling author Claudia Hall Christian!

Our family asked the writing community on Twitter this GOOD QUESTION: What do you do when you feel stuck with writer’s block?

We shared the question with Claudia, and she answered, “I’ve written a serial fiction for 13 years which means that I don’t have the luxury of writer’s block.

I do a few spiritual techniques to release my shame and fear. I focus on working for the betterment of all, which helps a lot.

When stuck, I reprogram.” | THIS ENT

[By M.J. Walker]