Countdown to ‘Return of the Boom Bap’ [68 Days Away]


This is one of those charge-it-to-my-head-not-to-my-heart situations.

I met Alfie Da Great while co-hosting producer battle Grand Rapids Beatdown during ArtPrize in the Fall of 2021. It was my first event since hosting a Rakim concert at The Loft in Lansing, Michigan on Valentine’s Day 2020.

Since that day The Loft and too many loved ones have passed on due the COVID-19 pandemic. The Beatdown was a fun but incredibly emotional occasion. Honestly, it went by in a blur.

My second encounter with Alfie was during a Zoom meeting for Return of the Boom Bap. I didn’t remember our first meeting.

Alfie, a University of Michigan supporter, punished my memory fail by insulting the Michigan State University cap I was wearing with swordman snark, an introduction to his clever use of words. Although my second impression of him was more like my first, it was the eventual third that matters most.

During that Zoom I got to learn how active Aflie was in his community. His raps are a biproduct of how closely he rhymes with his surroundings. The youth, the arts, and the less fortunate give him far more rhythm than any beat imaginable.

He capped our meeting with a from-the-heart impromptu rhyme.

I look forward to experiencing this again at ‘Return of the Boom Bap’. |THIS.

[By Mr. Joe Walker]

Let’s dive into Alfie Da Great’s catalog. Watch the video for “I Got the Juice”.

Renowned HipHop artist Sixman is coming home to Grand Rapids, MI to headline Return of the Boom Bap at The Pyramid Scheme (68 Commerce Ave SW) on Friday February 18, 2022. Presented by,, and FAM ENT, Six will be joined by acclaimed group The Fist Coalition, up-and-coming solo act Alfie Da Great, and DJ icons Monk Matthaeus and DJ Ill One. THISENT managing editor and event host Mr. Joe Walker will serve as the night’s MC.

Return of the Boom Bap is set to be a culturally rich event. Along with its scheduled performers, expect breakers and graffiti artists to contribute added flavor to the momentous occasion.

Tickets are $10 in advance, $15 at the door. Visit

For more on Sixman visit HERE

For more on The Fist Coalition visit HERE

For more on Alfie Da Great visit HERE