A GOOD QUESTION for Diamond Dealer: How Does the Producer Differ from the DJ?


It is a blessing when remarkable people that we admire make time for us to interview them. Those conversations are reflections of us both, that’s why it matters what we ask.

One of those people we were blessed to speak with was DJ and producer Diamond Dealer!

During our interview about his hit-making career, we asked Diamond Dealer this GOOD QUESTION: How and in what ways does Diamond Dealer the producer differ from Diamond Dealer the DJ?

He answered, “Good question! I have roots in deep house and house music, and that influence has always been present in my songs. My music is more Afro inspired these days, but it’s not limited to that sound and I’m still enjoying those piano hooks in the studio. There’s a big return to the analog 90s sound. It’s timeless.

My DJ sets depend on where I play. A festival is different to a club and also the time of the set makes a big difference. But wherever I play there will always be a house music feel and an African flavor to it, even though I like to switch genres and go on journeys in my sets.” | By Mr. Joe Walker