I was talking to THISENT.com about Lion’s Den Revolution, my first comic to see global distribution.

I spent an entire summer creating characters for it. By the time I was done I had 150 characters and an extensive character bible.

Never in a million years did I think it would make comics history by being the first comic in digital desktop format to see global distribution before Marvel and DC adopted the format, and to be drawn, written, and created by an African American artist. It feels good to know your hard work has gone down in the history books!

Now, 15 years later, I have the honor of drawing the Lions again in all-new adventures! Weaving them into stories with my other creations making one giant universe!

I went through my inventory closet and dig out the original pages I had framed. Remembering the nights I spent making them, writing the script, penciling, inking, and lettering.

This is what it looks like when that hard work pays. To open an entire universe of characters and opportunities to work with other companies, building a portfolio. Building a resume.

My only advice I’d give to other creatives … Keep creating! |THIS.

[By Corey “Roc Bottom” Davis]