Entrepreneur and Alexis Rosado answers our “22 to 23” Questionnaire: THIS INTERVIEW is Special


When we look back on 2022, we’ll remember a year that challenged our resourcefulness, emotions, unity, and finances. In the face of these obstacles, we learned the infinite value of togetherness. In THIS INTERVIEW we revisit the last 12 months from the perspective of entrepreneur, poet, author, media personality and filmmaker Alexis Rosado aka Lexi Rosa – The Hope Dealer.

The CEO of Vision Success Marketing and Consulting, LLC. and of God’s creative up-and-coming leaders, Rosado’s messages of encouragement are presented through her podcasts “Entrepreneur Reflections” and “Relationship Reflections”, uplifting nonprofit Brave Space (BecameBrave.com), book The Mountain Climber, and applauded poetry performances.

Rosado’s current poetry project, a visual LP titled Spiritual Warfare, has received acclaim from Munich New Wave Short Film Festival 2023, LA Independent Women Film Awards 2023, Capital City Film Festival 2023, and Lift-Off Global Network – New York 2023.

Rosado took time out of her busy schedule to share some of her thoughts with us, answering THIS questionnaire about her life in 2022 and what to expect from her in 2023. THIS is for YOU!

How would you summarize 2022?

Owning my truth!

Going after what you really want, not kinda want!

A year of gratitude and dreams.

[Last] year I personally did things I dreamed of doing such as traveling to places like Vietnam, Costa Rica and more! I also performed on the Bless Fest stage with Steven Malcom and Kevi Morse! And I launched a nonprofit “Becamebrave.com” and released a poetry project! All with the overall mission to motivate and help others. So, I’m out here living the dream.

What was the best song, album, television show, movie, and podcast of the year?

Song: “Titi Me Pregunto” by Bad Bunny

Album: Of Process and Progression by Ozay Morre and Tall Black Guy

Television: The Masked Singer

Podcast:  it’s a tie!!

“The Basement” by Tim Ross and “Relationship Reflections” by yours truly!

Documentary: The Wisdom of Trauma by Gabor Mate

You Must watch it! 

Did you read anything inspiring or influential that you would recommend to others?

The best book I read was about conflict resolution! And I kid you not; it changed me! Read It today! 

The Space Between Us: Conversations About Transforming Conflict by Betty Pries.

You’ve got conflict with someone? Read it. You have conflict within yourself? Read it. Y’all just read it.

What’s something you did to help someone in need, whether you knew them or not?

I met a young man who was having a hard time; paid for a hotel, clothing, backpack, food and helped him get into a detox and drug rehab facility. It feels odd writing about it because truthfully my mission is to help someone every day. And stories like that one grieves my spirit, because you don’t really know the ending when you’re solely one part of someone’s story. 

Recall for us the most surprising thing you heard all year.

Twitch passing away by suicide. I’m still pretty sad about it.

It influences the work I do; I serve students through “Brave Space” in schools to prevent suicide.

How did you celebrate your birthday?

I purchased a large backpack and went on my first solo trip to Costa Rica! I traveled with a group of solo travelers, so technically I wasn’t alone, but I had never met any of them before and it was incredible! I ran on the beach, went zip lining, white water rafting, boating, dancing, and I prayed with people I met! It was everything I wanted and more!

Why is it important to live every moment of your life to the fullest?

Because tomorrow is never promised. I got into the worst car accident of my life. I was in a 7-car pile-up in a Chicago and I literally thought, “This is it!” After recovering I gained a whole new perspective on life. Our days are not promised so live life in an intentional way that brings you joy! 

Were you able to achieve the goals you set?

Okay. This question hit me.

I set a goal of publishing my next book. While I didn’t execute that goal fully – it’s still in progress – I did WAY more than I dreamed of.

I dropped my first cinematic poetry project with DJ YZ and Craig Derek Jones and we shared it with nearly 100 students so far! I had a private release party! And I launched a non profit! I have always wanted to do video work for a cause internationally and I had the privilege of doing that.

So, I set new goals and achieved new things. 

Which of your blessings would you say was the biggest?

My fully abled body. After the accident I had vertigo and pain shooting down my body. After recovering I ran two 5Ks two weekends in a row because I was so grateful for a body that works!

And I’m just grateful for life; to be able to fine tune my calling and do it. It’s a win!

Tell us how you evolved over the last 12 months.

Surprisingly, I appreciate moments more. 

I don’t sprint to do it all. I appreciate the moment I do have. And instead of forcing movement, I follow the path that seems filled with favor. That’s very different than the Lexi that forces things. Your girl ain’t tripping as much!

Did you experience a defining moment?

My car accident was a defining moment. It made me wake up and ask, “What do I really want in life?”

Also being in Vietnam changed my world view. I will use my gifts and talents to serve the least of these without a doubt. These moments helped me launch my nonprofit, that serves future generations!

What can we expect from you in 2023?

So much! A book! And the nonprofit Brave Space or Becamebrave.com to come to a school near you! Also, the cinematic poetry project being available on streaming platforms – my artist name is LEXI ROSA! | THIS ENT

[By Mr. Joe Walker]