Welcome to another episode of FGC Philosophy!

In this conversation Truth and I focus on the mental game of Street Fighter V.

We get into our personal struggles with A.D.D. and A.D.H.D., tilting, strategy, and even breaking the rules of SFV. It feels great to have these conversations because we both get to learn about each other’s perspectives and share that with everyone.

Keep in mind that much of what we talk about is from experience. If you disagree or want to build upon what we’ve said, let me know in the comments.

Truth (AKA Sol) is a Detroit local that’s considered one of the best SFV players in the state. He’s also considered one of, if not the best Cammy player in the state of Michigan.

I met Truth years ago in the tournament which is where our rivalry began. Since then, he’s gone on to place well in both large and small tournaments. He also regularly wins my only SFV tournament – Mighty Modem Monday.

Truth and I always have great conversations around Street Fighter theory. |THIS.

[By The Philocypher]

The Philocypher is a professionally trained life coach with a huge background in gaming. He’s dedicated his life to helping others. His “FGC Philosophy” is all about improvement through gaming. If you want to level up in both fighting games and life, he’s got something for you. Learn more on his website.