This topic has been on my mind a lot lately. I’ve been talking about this topic with several members of the KZOO FGC and even other FGC members.

How do we grow as players, and/or how do I help other players get better faster?

Is there a coaching style that is the best?

What exercises should players do first to build a strong foundation?

This area relates to any area of life. For me, it’s going to boil down to your mindset.

I pick these topics specifically for players struggling with growing. There are several other areas, but I thought these were the most important to start with. |THIS.

The Philocypher is a professionally trained life coach with a huge background in gaming. He’s dedicated his life to helping others. His “FGC Philosophy” is all about improvement through gaming. If you want to level up in both fighting games and life, he’s got something for you.

[By The Philocypher]