G Talk Garden Podcast: To Eat or Not to Eat Part 1 – Hybrid & Cross Pollination [Hosted by Allan Lee]


Welcome to the G Talk Garden Podcast!

This is Part 1 of a 3-part series.

Here we will go over the controversy about hybrids and cross-pollinated crops; to eat or not to eat, that is the question.

In the next part we will tackle heirloom and open pollinated crops.

And until next time… Grow somethin’. |THIS.

The G Talk Garden Podcast brings you garden game from me Allan Lee “Your Favorite Dredhead Gardener”, with guests that range from beginner to masters in the garden world. We will talk dirt and soil, pest and disease, what and when to grow, and all-around garden talk. We will get you to realize “you can grow any seed you put to soil”. Email me at Rotvurbangarden@gmail.com.

[By Allan Lee “Your Favorite Dredhead Gardener”]