Gabbie Hanna answers THIS GOOD QUESTION: 2020 Vision Vol. 6


It is a blessing when remarkable persons that we admire make time to speak with us. Those shared interviews are reflections of us both, that’s why it’s imperative that what we ask matters.

One of those persons we were blessed to speak with was Pop singer and best-selling author Gabbie Hanna!

During our conversation about the effects of the pandemic we asked her this GOOD QUESTION: Did 2020 cause you to value your life and the lives of others more than you did already?

Gabbie answered, “Absolutely.

With the pandemic, you really have to be selfless in a lot of ways. But above all, [2020] really opened my eyes to the injustice and inequality in America. I’ve always thought I had a pretty firm grasp on White privilege and the issues that Black people face, but [2020] showed me just how much I had left to learn.

There is so much that we don’t understand because we aren’t listening, because minorities aren’t given the opportunities and platforms to speak. It made me reflect on my past, the times that I used my privilege and didn’t recognize it, the moments where I could have been a better ally and failed, the interactions where I may have put someone else down in a way that I didn’t comprehend. It’s been a lot of uncomfortable conversations, a lot of late apologies, and a lot of much needed shame, but a lot of growth.” | THIS ENT

[By Mr. Joe Walker]