Gift of Life: Be Encouraged [Written by Scott Pennies]


We are of high value.

No matter who we are, we have a high value because we were bought and saved with a high price – Jesus’ blood.

A man or women is not measured by what he or she has, or what he or she lacks. It’s what’s in the inside of us. It’s our inner value that counts.

Some people will see it. Some won’t. But please don’t lose sleep over this, my friend.

We are not here to impress and please everybody. We matter to the ones who see our inner value.

We matter to the one who laid his life down for us.

Be encouraged. I see your value. |THIS ENT

[By Scott Pennies | Photo by Kati Kaniaru]

Scott Pennies is a creative entrepreneur and expressive visual artist with a respected ability to encourage and inspire using pencils, paint, or words.