David Banner answers THIS GOOD QUESTION: Can the American people clean up our country’s image by electing the right leader?


Welcome to THIS edition of GOOD QUESTION, brought to you exclusively by THISent.com! I’m your host, “Word Heavyweight Champion” Mr. Joe Walker.

Throughout my illustrious career as an entertainment writer and journalist, I’ve been blessed with opportunities to speak with many notable and famous persons. One of those is hip-hop icon and impactful speaker David Banner!

During our conversation I asked Banner THIS good question: Can the American people clean up our country’s image by electing the right leader?

He answered, “The image of America can be changed by the individual. I think we all have to take minute and stop and clean ourselves up. Because having a representative to change the view is just like putting on a suit, and it’s no different than putting on that suit.

You can have a great representative, but if that representative is not backed up by the actions of the people what does it mean?

It’s similar to having a great group of people and a terrible representative. It’s funny that all fits in together because it’s no different. It’s like having a nice suite and tie and bad body. Or having a great body in a terrible suit! It works hand in hand, but it starts with the body first. You can have a great suit on in a casket. In means nothing.

It’s about the person. For so long hoodies and white t-shirts have been connected with negativity, but the true downfall of America were people behind suits and ties. Now we can start focusing on the person; not the way they wear their hair or the clothes they have on, it’s about the individual.

Just because you get in a suit that doesn’t make you a positive person, and it doesn’t take away from you being a good person. It’s all just clothes. It’s about what’s in the heart and soul of a person.” |THIS.

[By Mr. Joe Walker]Ask and you shall receive! Read a new “Good Question” every Tuesday at 8:00 AM!