GOOD QUESTION: What gift would you ask Santa Claus to bring you?


Welcome to THIS holiday edition of GOOD QUESTION, brought to you exclusively by! I’m your host Mr. Joe Walker.

Throughout my illustrious career as an entertainment writer and journalist, I’ve been blessed with opportunities to speak with many notable and famous persons. Normally, this would be where I’d introduce a celebrity to answer one of my questions.

Since it’s the holiday season I’m going to answer THIS good question: What gift would you ask Santa Claus to bring you?

My answer: My family.

The Covid-19 pandemic has, for precautionary reasons, isolated me from my family. The only thing I want more than safety and wellness for everyone I care about is to see all of them crammed in my living room opening presents or simply watching presents being opened, laughing, listening to music, and holding heaping plates of food.

I know Santa’s Christmas magic is not real. All my genuine requests are delivered on my knees in prayer. But I respect the joy, hope, and wonder Santa Claus symbolizes.

I’m long past waiting in line at the mall to ask some stranger in a costume to bring me a trinket or two. Even as a kid I thought it was a strange activity with little logic. I’m also far from condemning anyone who does. Many people, myself included, find joy in tradition, and sadly the pandemic has put a damper on many of our holiday favorites.

This includes a long request line of children and their parents waiting to add to the jolly guy’s list.

If Santa Claus could bring me anything I’d ask for, my request being all of my family together for Christmas,  he’d need a much larger sleigh and considerably more Reindeer or a fleet of coach buses to deliver them. |THIS.

[By Mr. Joe Walker | Photo of Santa Claus/Santa Larry aka Shining Example #5]