Welcome to THIS edition of GOOD QUESTION, brought to you exclusively by THISent.com! I’m your host, “Word Heavyweight Champion” Mr. Joe Walker.

Throughout my illustrious career as an entertainment writer and journalist, I’ve been blessed with opportunities to speak with many notable and famous persons. One of those is iconic singer and harmonica player John Popper.

During our conversation I asked the soloist and Blues Traveler lead singer THIS good question: Who’d win a harmonica duel between you and Stevie Wonder?

He answered, “Oh, I’d give it to Stevie!

I actually did a gig with him. It was either for ‘Songs in the Key of Life’ or ‘Talking Book’. He wanted me to be part of this harmonica thing with 3 harmonicas. He got Freddy Yonnette, a great player from France who lives in DC now. I didn’t know how to play the part. I’m used to playing by ear. It was very precise. But Freddy worked out my part for me. And he was a big fan of mine and he helped me get through it.

Right before we started playing India.Arie had done a number with Stevie, and she kissed him on the cheek. So, I said, who wouldn’t want to kiss this guy? The crowd claps and really started going into a big applause. Stevie gets all tickled.

While the crowd’s still clapping, I leaned over to Stevie and said, they’re really going nuts because I just took all my clothes off. And he said, ‘Whaaat?’

Then the song started and he [messed] it up where I was going to [mess] up! I saved the day by making him [mess] up! Stevie Wonder’s a mad, mad genius.” |THIS

[Written by Mr. Joe Walker]

Ask and you shall receive! Read a new “Good Question” every Tuesday at 8:00 AM!