Hip Hop Artist and Educator DIE-REK answers our “22 to 23” Questionnaire: THIS INTERVIEW is Special


When we look back on 2022, we’ll remember a year that challenged our resourcefulness, emotions, unity, and finances. In the face of these obstacles, we learned the infinite value of togetherness. In THIS INTERVIEW we revisit the last 12 months from the perspective of acclaimed Hip Hop artist and producer DIE-REK.

The phrase “in all honesty” encapsulates the openness in DIE-REK’s music. His beats are like an accelerated heart while his mind pumps out vein lyrics on a mission to deliver healing like white blood cells. Thoughts emerge from deep within his cavity to spread life throughout each of his bodies of work.

On his ’22 set Year of Redemption, his second full-length LP for Illect Records, DIE-REK came across more honest and personal than ever. It was an astonishing feat of self-reflective bar-setting that more acts should consider striving to achieve.

DIE-REK took time out of his busy schedule to share some of his thoughts with us, answering THIS questionnaire about his life in 2022 and what to expect from him in 2023. THIS is for YOU!

How would you summarize 2022?

Bitter sweet. There’s been some great triumphs and there’s been some great challenges. I take the good with the bad and keep things moving. In all things I give thanks and know that there’s a lesson through every situation.

What was the best song, album, television show, movie, and podcast of the year?

I’m going to say Year of Redemption. I don’t know if it’s the best, but it’s the one I probably listened to the most! [Laughs] So I guess it kind of makes it the best to me.

Did you read anything inspiring or influential that you would recommend to others?

Creative Quest by Quest Love was a good read. The book to me was a reminder that “you are your own competition. Don’t second guess yourself, you’ve got to believe in yourself first before anyone else is going to”.  It was a great gift given to me by my wife for one of my birthdays.

What’s something you did to help someone in need, whether you knew them or not?

I’ve got a few jobs. At one of my jobs I’m an educator for a school board and we have a pizza day twice a month. There’s a few kids in my class that never participate in pizza day because of financial issues at home, so I bought the whole class a pizza the last time we had a pizza lunch.

Recall for us the most surprising thing you heard all year.

The answer to this is a little too intense to [say] here! [Laughs]

How did you celebrate your birthday?

I’m real introverted.  Parties with close friends is cool sometimes, but so is keeping it low key and just chillin’ with the family going out for dinner.

Why is it important to live every moment of your life to the fullest?

Because no one is promised tomorrow! And you want to be faithful with whatever amount of time God has given you on this Earth.  Obeying God is living life to the fullest.  So as long as you’re doing that, you’re all good.

Which of your blessings would you say was the biggest?

The release of my new album Year of Redemption. I had the opportunity to release the album on vinyl in 3 different colors. Plus, shoot 3 videos for the album.  It was most definitely one, if not the biggest blessing this year.

Tell us how you evolved over the last 12 months.

I’ve been learning a lot of tech stuff. I learned how to shoot and edit my own videos [last] year.  I’m learning how to mix my own material. It’s a work in progress but I’m getting better the more I work at it. I’m a lot better than I was a year ago, that’s for sure.

What can we expect from you in 2023?

A new album, lots of singles, there’s so much more music I can put out and should be putting out.  So, there’s definitely going to be more hits in rotation. Check for a brotha! | THIS ENT

[By Mr. Joe Walker]