When we look back on 2022, we’ll remember a year that challenged our resourcefulness, emotions, unity, and finances. In the face of these obstacles, we learned the infinite value of togetherness. In THIS INTERVIEW we revisit the last 12 months from the perspective of Hip Hop artist and entrepreneur Wavie P.

Having a style no one else can claim, Wavie has worked diligently to perfect his chill-vibe sound, fresh-ice flow, and use it on songs that puts listeners in a zoned-in mind state. His best yet can be heard the LP NoRefundz 3. When he’s not performing and promoting his music, he’s getting people to relax using the art of massage, offered expertly through his business A Better Feel.

Wavie P took time out of his busy schedule to share some of his thoughts with us, answering THIS questionnaire about his life in 2022 and what to expect from him in 2023. THIS is for YOU!

How would you summarize 2022?

Overall, 2022 [was] an eventful ride along the highway. I would liken it to I-96, especially considering how construction would pop up at pivotal points along the journey. However, I’ve still been able to get my various destinations – goals – even if it wasn’t at the times planned. As they say the journey is what matters most!

What was the best song, album, television show, movie, and podcast of the year?

Best Song: “Hear Voices” by Wavie P.

Best Album: Kings Disease III from NAS

Best TV Show: Atlanta, Season 4

Best Movie: Deep Water / Bullet Train / Breaking / Nope – it’s a tie; I had a movie for every season!

Best Podcast: The School of Greatness with Lewis Hughes, High Level Conversations, Earn Your Leisure, Million Dollaz Worth of Game

Did you read anything inspiring or influential that you would recommend to others?

50 Things Every Young Gentleman Should Know by John Bridges & Bryan Curtis

What’s something you did to help someone in need, whether you knew them or not?

Honestly, I’m just a servant to those I see regardless of the circumstance. I’m normally not the type to speak on these types of things. I’d rather keep it close to my heart. However, if there’s a fundraiser or any type of community support I can provide, I’m there. I have volunteered at the Fledge and Sparrow Hospital in the past before though.

Recall for us the most surprising thing you heard all year.

Honestly, at this point nothing surprises me. I feel like at times we’re in a mix of Idiocracy and Black Mirror.

How did you celebrate your birthday?

Went to Hollywood, FL to visit some brothers of mine, one of which has a birthday the day before – 4/27. While there, I was also able to connect with another friend from MSU and shot some scenes to our collab “All Night Long”. The song is available on ALL platforms now, but as far as the visuals, it’s definitely some things in the works, so stay tuned!

Why is it important to live every moment of your life to the fullest?

Plain and simple, you literally never know which moment will be your last, so each interaction counts. Not only for you but for the people and places you engage with.

Were you able to achieve the goals you set?

Overall, I would say that I have, considering that I look at my goals with this motto: “Don’t try to eat the whole cow, make a buffet out of it.” Throughout the year, I was able to release a few merch items and launch my site Waviespool.com to showcase those same pieces! I also consistently released new content, whether it be new songs and visuals to accompany them!

Which of your blessings would you say was the biggest?

Gaining more valuable connections, whether it be new fans, business expansion, etc. I’ve been expanding and tightening up the structure of my business and getting closer to God by diving more into the Word.

Tell us how you evolved over the last 12 months.

Being more mindful of how I carry myself around those I interact with. I find it more important to respect the environment you’re in than to try and overtake the room just for the sake of attention. I learned this by seeing the result of others.

Did you experience a defining moment?

[No], but I can say that 2023 will be filled with loads of them. Life’s a journey, I’m enjoying the ride! Actually, being blindsided in a car accident in February where my car was totaled – I walked out unscathed – put a great deal of things into perspective as far as my focus is concerned.

What can we expect from you in 2023?

More success, more community engagement, releases, etc. More visibility as far as shows, interviews, branding opportunities and so forth. I’m manifesting everything I speak. Keep an eye on all platforms and stay tuned in! | THIS ENT

[By Mr. Joe Walker]