Ice Cube answers THIS GOOD QUESTION: How do you respond to people saying their vote doesn’t count?


Welcome to THIS edition of GOOD QUESTION, brought to you exclusively by! I’m your host, “Word Heavyweight Champion” Mr. Joe Walker.

Throughout my illustrious career as an entertainment writer and journalist, I’ve been blessed with opportunities to speak with many notable and famous persons. One of those is Hip Hop and entertainment icon Ice Cube!

During our conversation I asked Cube THIS good question: How do you respond to people saying their vote doesn’t count?

He answered, “I know if you don’t vote it really doesn’t count. And if you vote it might count.

So, which one would you rather be involved with?

There was this NBA commercial where this little kid was throwing a starfish in the water. There were a lot of starfish on the beach.

This guy says to the kid, ‘What do you think you’re doing? You ain’t helping those starfish. Look at all these. How are you gonna help all of them?’

The kid says, ‘I can’t help all of them, but I helped this one.’

That one is happy. That’s how you have to look at it. If you see somebody you like, spend a little time and vote for that person. You never know what he might do for your Momma. You never know what he might do for your Grandmamma or your babies.

If you don’t see somebody you like …

I don’t mind not voting. If I don’t see nothing I want at the store I ain’t gonna pick nothing. I’m not going to buy something I don’t want just because I’m in the store.

If you see somebody you think should win you have to spend the time and go vote. |THIS.

[By Mr. Joe Walker]