“Imagine Kevin Hart as a Wrestling Manager”: Railing with Mr. Joe Walker [The WHIP Show]


Welcome to the 5th episode of Railing with “The Word Heavyweight Champion” Mr. Joe Walker!

On this episode The Champ, after watching the Sasha Banks episode of Cold As Balls, imagines comedian/producer Kevin Hart as a professional wrestling manager in AEW, NWA, or WWE.

This episode also gives a shout out to the late Bobby Heenan, The Rock, Mickie James, and PowerHouse HOBBS. | THIS ENT

[By Desean “Whipdog” Whipple and Mr. Joe Walker]

Welcome to the “Wrestling Heroes and Insiders Podcast” aka The WHIP Show! We will interview some of the top names and personalities in the pro wrestling business! So, make sure you subscribe so you can be an INSIDER with the Wrestling Heroes!