Let’s Talk About Black Eyed Peas


I don’t understand why people frown when I bring up Black Eyed Peas.

Maybe part of the issue is I should change who I’m speaking with when I’m talking about Black Eyed Peas.

When I’m having conversations about Hip Hop music, I’m the one who tends to mention the Peas. I’ve been a fan of theirs since their debut album Behind The Front.

It would be cool to take part in round table discussion with people who heavily admire their work. Someone should invite me if one exists. I want to hear from them.

What I don’t want to hear is Fergie bashing. She often comes up in BEP discussions and she’s never mentioned positively.

I’m certainly not a Fergie fan but she made dope records as a member of the Peas. She amplified their foray into Pop, now they have J. Rey Soul adding R&B volume. Their smash single “MAMACITA”, which is tremendous, takes on a whole new vibe when she joins the song in the second verse.

Truthfully, I feel their entire 2020 album TRANSLATION is tremendous. That’s why in our Best of 2020: The Best of the Best I gave them Best Album.

Let’s talk about it. |THIS.

[By Mr. Joe Walker]