Letter of Recommendation: Undertaker vs Sting at WrestleMania


Dear World Wrestling Entertainment,

We are pleased to recommend the match of Undertaker vs Sting at WrestleMania.

Several news sources have reported Undertaker will face AJ Styles at WrestleMania 36 on April 5, 2020. Following the outcome of their encounter at pay-per-view Super Showdown in Saudi Arabia on February 27, 2020, it’s clear The Deadman is certainly headed toward an in-ring clash with The Phenomenal One.

While fans are sure to enjoy watching this contest, it’s not necessarily the one they want to see.

Taker is a living legend still active in the profession. Him facing WWE Hall of Fame icon Sting, a generation Superstar who has stated he’s ready for one last match, is arguably the most requested “Dream Match” of all-time.

Both competitors, two multi-time world champions with auras that supersede any championship, are past their primes physically. However, they still remain masters of the psychology needed to tell a compelling story in the squared circle.

For all of these reasons, we believe Undertaker vs Sting should happen at WrestleMania.

We invite you to contact us should you have any questions or concerns regarding this recommendation.

THIS Entertainment

[Written by Mr. Joe Walker | Follow THIS on Twitter @THISENT1]

We send out a “Letter of Recommendation” every Friday at 8AM EST.