Life AFTER Jim Crow: Letters from Baby Boomers about Jim Crow [In the KNOW with Tony Reeves]


This video is a series of questions and answers provided by loved ones who share their experiences on “Life AFTER Jim Crow”.

These experiences are conveyed through a series of questions answered via letters. The following questions asked were:

1) What happened around you when you found out MLK had been assassinated?

2) How did you find out Segregation was outlawed?

3) What was the first place you visited after integration?

4) Was there any place you visited who still refused to serve you even though the Civil Rights Act had been passed?

5) Name a place you refused to go to even though you were allowed to go. Why would you not go there?

6) Do you know of people who were still afraid to vote even though the Voting Rights Act of 1965 had passed? Why were they afraid to vote?

Here in my special series, we understand that Jim Crow is a crucial part of our history. It’s important we get those stories told so we never forget. |THIS ENT

[By Anthony “Tony” Reeves]

His name is Reeves, and you’re enjoying The Anthony Reeves Experience. Make sure you share your comments with him HERE about any of his topics or let me him know if you want him to address any particular topic. He always responds to let you know if he can address it.