Living For This Day [Written by A. Jones]


Here I go again. My absolute favorite day of the week!  I literally bounce out of bed with an extra pep in my step.  I sing a few lyrics of a song I made up in my head and talk to my kitties while they stare at me the same as they do every single morning.  

A bit of Groundhog Day vibes but I’m not really complaining because today is that day! The day that puts an end to the boring mundane repetitive tasks that haunt me Monday through Friday.  I work a 9-5 all week so it’s the glorious beginning to the end of the same ole same, the thought of possibilities for the weekend, the planned get-togethers with friends or the idea of doing absolutely nothing.  

If I have ever told you I didn’t plan my weekends, just know I was lying.  Kinda in the category of little white lies so please don’t hold it against me.  My plans for this weekend ahead include a bit of yard work, firing up the grill, and family time.  I also have a room to paint, a library to get together, and a few boxes to unpack.  

However, if I do too much, I will find myself knocking on Sunday evening’s door and mad at myself for not getting in enough woosah time.  

I’ve had this on and off again love affair with Friday since the last time I claimed it was the one and true love of my life.  We just go together so well, no talking back, and consistently giving me exactly what I need.  It’s that type of energy I long for each and every day.  I’ve said that any day can feel this way, but I would be lying to myself and to all of you, so I refuse to fill you with those tall tales.

I can’t help but wonder why every day can’t be Friday. From now until the end of Neveruary I will always and forever be living for this day. The thought of sleeping in during the weekend sounds very appealing, however, I just can’t seem to do it. I feel as if I am missing out on something, so up I rise at the crack of dawn when half of the world is fast asleep.  

And what if the plans I made never happen and something better comes along?  Sounds like a good weekend ahead, simple as hot buttered toast with a side of crispy bacon accompanied by a cup of hot black coffee on a Sunday morning.  Which reminds me to add all of that to my grocery list.  

But hey, feel free to check in with me on Monday and I’ll let you know if any of what I planned actually happened.

The older I grow the more important it has become to make the time count; filling my days with things, people, and experiences that make my soul happy.  As the years continue to go by, I will continue to be thankful for this day because it’s quite simply my favorite of them all. |THIS ENT

[By A. Jones]

A writer, blogger, and dreamer, AJ writes and blogs from her home in Indiana. You can also find her work as a contributing writer at Groov Magazine. And have a peek inside AJ’s Diary.