MissionsFilled $1000 Charity Challenge: Weekly Update #4


Hey, we’re here to share our weekly update about the MissionsFilled #CharityChallenge. 

On 8/27/22 at Lansing Bless Fest we are donating $1000 to the community’s top-choice charity! Sponsored by Thrivent Financial!

To vote for your favorite charity, go to MissionsFilled.org

Several charities are nominated, and everyone’s vote is valuable.

This week’s featured charity is Child and Family Charities! Their mission: “A nonprofit charitable organization serving children, youth and families in mid-Michigan.

Over the past 110 years, Child and Family Charities has grown into a multi-service organization. Through six divisions and 30 programs, Child and Family Charities provides a broad spectrum of care to over 15,000 people in Michigan directed at helping abused/traumatized children, youth and keeping families intact while strengthening the community’s health, happiness, and self-sufficiency.”

Go nominate and vote for your favorite charity today by visiting MissionsFilled.org |THIS ENT