Najeema Iman answers THIS GOOD QUESTION: What challenge do you face consistently and how is it helping you improve your business?


Welcome to THIS special edition of GOOD QUESTION, brought to you exclusively by! I’m your host Mr. Joe Walker.

Throughout my illustrious career as an entertainment writer and journalist, I’ve been blessed with opportunities to speak with many notable and famous persons. One of those is entrepreneur Najeema Iman, owner of CURLITUDE and Project Coordinator/Lead Market Curator of The Block Market which supports Black entrepreneurs and small business owners.

During our conversation I asked Najeema THIS good question: What challenge do your face consistently and how is it helping you improve your business?

She answered, “Balance.

Balancing family, entrepreneurship, being an educator and, somehow, incorporating self-care is a true act that I haven’t conquered quite yet.  I have to intentionally work every day to make sure that I pour into myself first, then my family, and then everything else after that.

You can’t pour from an empty cup, so I have to tell myself to slow down.

I strive to get up every day at 4:30/5AM so that I can have a ‘Miracle Morning’. I miss the mark some days, but I need this time. It is my time to just be.  I read my bible, a few pages from a book, take a long bath and disconnect from distractions.  This is time for me. This is time for me to balance. Without this balance something falls to the wayside. 

I am a huge advocate for mental health.  I keep a spiritual advisor, therapist and life coach on deck. The life coach is the most recent addition to my winning team, but I believe that it will truly help me be disciplined in balancing my life.

I want my outcome of The Block Market to be continuing to be a bridge and build bridges in the greater Lansing community. |THIS.