Not Living In Fear: Midweek Motivation from Mix Master Ice


It’s the legendary Hall of Fame DJ Mix Master Ice and I’m back with another Midweek Motivation!

What I want to talk to you all about today is not living in fear.

Some of the greatest opportunities can pass you by if you’re living in fear!

Some of the most successful people in life did not get there because of fear. They got there by trying. Even if they failed a few times, they still kept trying until they got it right.

Fear can prevent you from even trying in the first place.

Another way fear can cost you, is fear can cost you your life through health.

As you’re getting older in life sometimes you need to go to the doctor to get certain tests run on you to find out what’s going on. Sometimes they can catch things early and prevent certain situations.

But if fear is in you, then fear can prevent from even going to the doctor and getting your health in order!

Remove the fear, y’all.

Sounds of the Mix Master Ice Midweek Motivation. Let’s remove that fear, alright? Peace! |THIS.

[By Mix Master Ice]

Not only is Mix Master Ice a DJ, he’s an important piece in the history of Hip Hop. As a member of pioneering group UTFO, his aggressive scratching technique on their iconic smash hit “Roxanne, Roxanne” became a role model for performing DJs that followed in his footsteps. A brilliant, crowd-pleasing live performer on the one-and-twos, the TECHNIC’s Hall of Fame legend displays a superior level of showmanship and charisma that captivates audiences all over the world. Here in 2021 Mix Master Ice is celebrating his 41st anniversary as a DJ.