Welcome to THIS edition of GOOD QUESTION, brought to you exclusively by THISent.com! I’m your columnist, “Word Heavyweight Champion” Mr. Joe Walker.

Throughout the life of our entertainment publication, we’ve been blessed with opportunities to speak with many notable and famous persons. One of those is hip-hop producer and musician PL12!

During our “19 to 20” Q&A interview series we asked him THIS good question: How do you teach someone to have better respect for the value of time?

He answered, “All I can tell them is the minute you arrive to this mystery planet your time begins.

No one knows when their time is up. It can be gone so quick and unexpectedly.

Live life to the fullest everyday like there is no tomorrow. That window of opportunity is only open for so long, so find a way through it and run with it!” |THIS.

[By Mr. Joe Walker]