Professional wrestler The Mysterious Movado answers our “19 to 20” Questionnaire: THIS INTERVIEW is Special


Last year was incredible for professional wrestler The Mysterious Movado, and we’re excited for what he has in store here in 2020. A multi-time champion in singles and tag competition, the real winners are the fans of this charismatic masked person from Planet Detroit. Movado took time out his busy and mysterious schedule to answer THIS questionnaire about his previous 12 months and what to expect from him in the months ahead.

THIS: How would you summarize 2019?

The Mysterious Movado: 2019 was a … mysterious year for the The Movado! All around from Canada to the United States, to Arena Mexico. It’s been whirlwind, a lot of ground has been covered, but we’re just getting started. In 2020 the mystery continues!

THIS: What was your favorite song of ‘19?

The Mysterious Movado: Definitely ‘Dance Macabre’ by Ghost.

THIS: What was your favorite movie?

The Mysterious Movado: Favorite movie? Hmm … My favorite was, uhhh … I can’t come up with one.

THIS: What’s the television show you couldn’t stop watching?

The Mysterious Movado: I’m a big fan of ‘Deadwood’. I binge-watched the ‘Deadwood’ [series], I know that’s from several years ago. They actually did a film to wrap it up and I caught that. It was very good. Two-for-one.

THIS: What album got the most play?

The Mysterious Movado: Ghost’s new record! Definitely.

THIS: What did you Google the most?

The Mysterious Movado: “Mysterious Movado” because I’m an egomaniac! [Laughs] I gotta see what’s up; if I’m trending or when you search the name does the proper things come up. Because of the egomaniac in me, I Google “Mysterious Movado”.

THIS: What was the most shocking thing you heard all last year?

The Mysterious Movado: The most shocking thing I heard is when they announced Rod Street as the new IBW [International BigTime Wrestling] Champion when he defeated me. That shocked the heck out of me.

THIS: Tell us how you evolved over the last 12 months.

The Mysterious Movado: I’ve gotten myself into better shape physically, spiritually, mentally. I’ve grown a lot over the year and covered a lot of new ground, debuted in a lot of new promotions. I think the brand is evolving and the brand is becoming something unto itself. I’m just excited to bring The Mysterious Movado to everywhere across the globe and the universe.

THIS: What was your biggest blessing last year?

The Mysterious Movado: The connections I’ve made through pro wrestling. All the different humans that I’ve met up with throughout my travels has really been the best blessing for me. Just the diverse nature of all the people I’ve met and the impact that sometimes you don’t realize you have on someone’s life. You hear about it years later. The last year has been full of those blessings for me.

THIS: How do you teach someone to have better respect for the value of time?

The Mysterious Movado: I would just say you’re only gifted with one life. Not to be cliché with YOLO, but it’s very true. You’re only gifted with this particular life, even if you believe you’re going to be reincarnated. You need to make the best of the time you have here. And we’re not here for a long time but we’re here for a good time. I truly believe that. As long as you make a positive impact on others around you, and you enrich their lives, I think that’s what it’s all about.

THIS: What can we expect from you here in 2020?

The Mysterious Movado: More of the mystery; more dancing, prancing and romancing in the squared circle, having a good time with all my humans of Earth! |THIS.

[Written by Mr. Joe Walker | Follow THIS on Twitter @THISENT1]