RECAP: PROVEN: COLD WAR MMXX at The Fledge in Lansing, MI


PROVEN: COLD WAR MMXX is complete! We want to thank everyone for coming out on February 7, 2020! It was so great having everyone here.

First, we thank our sponsors: THIS Entertainment, Classic Groupe, Proven eSports Group, Fyber Gaming & Repair Center, 517 BBQ, and The Greater Lansing Sports Authority. Thank you for making it possible!

Thank you to The Fledge! You never fail to make people feel welcome and you’re always are a great host. We truly appreciate you.

Thank you to everyone that helped with commentary – Lenell “LTrain” Dinkins, John Richard Hopkins, Eric McClain, Rolland James Mollitor Jr., and Mr. Joe Walker.

Thank you to MSU FGC, Garrett Livernois, and Danimal Jay for helping bring setups. That was so crucial.

Most importantly. Thank you to each and every one of you that came out to this event! It means so much and we don’t take it for granted at all!

Thank you to our wives and families! We know the sacrifice you guys make so we can do these, it means the world to us.

And last but certainly not least, congrats to our winners – champions LTrain (Tekken 7) and Footwurk (Street Fighter V and Dragon Ball FighterZ)! |THIS

[Written by Grand Kai | Follow THIS on Twitter @THISENT1]