Recording Artist and Musician James A. Worthy answers our “19 to 20” Questionnaire: THIS INTERVIEW is Special


Last year was incredible for multiplatinum-selling musician and recording artist King James A. Worthy, and we’re excited for what he has in store here in 2020.  Gifted and Grammy-nominated, King James splits his time between making hits and being encouraging to others. He took time out his busy royal schedule to answer THIS questionnaire about his previous 12 months and what to expect from him in the months ahead.

THIS: How would you summarize 2019?

James A. Worthy: A lot of blessings, a lot of growth, a lot of maturity, and a lot of trial and error. 2019 was more of a year to show people I’m more than just someone behind the scenes. I’m coming to the forefront not just as an artist but as a brand. I’m getting people familiar with who I am as a person and who I am as an entity as well. I do have something of importance to the music business that needs to be highlighted.

THIS: What was your favorite song of ‘19?

James A. Worthy: That’s a great question! There were a lot of good records! If I had to choose one, I’d have to say “Pretty Little Fears” by 6BLACK featuring J. Cole. I love that record.

THIS: What was your favorite movie?

James A. Worthy: Probably ‘Creed II’. It’s an amazing film, especially if you’re a boxing fan. You’d love it. But it’s a story about passion, about doing what you want to do no matter what the obstacles are.

THIS: What’s the television show you couldn’t stop watching?

James A. Worthy: That’s an easy one. [Laughs] ‘Power’!

THIS: What album got the most play?

James A. Worthy: The Weekend’s ‘My Dear Melancholy’.

THIS: What did you Google the most?

James A. Worthy: I’m really big on spirituality and technology, and those are two big separate things. With technology there’s so many ways to receive information and so many ways for information to get to whole masses of different people.

I’m a tech head, so I love to see what new technology is coming out to enhance the world. With spirituality, people’s take on life and things in the world are so different. I love to get in their minds to see where their minds and ways of thinking are. People may not realize it, but we’re all the same. We might have different views on different things but we’re all human.

THIS: What was the most shocking thing you heard all last year?

James A. Worthy: All the mess that [President] Trump has been in the whole entire year, but that’s a long stretch. In my opinion politics is very corrupt, more than it’s ever been. It’s really hard to say the worst. There’s so many stories that come out every day.

THIS: Tell us how you evolved over the last 12 months.

James A. Worthy: I’ve evolved musically, I’ve evolved lyrically, socially, and more-so just really developing who I wanted to be as an artist, and what my message would be. And what my goal and purpose would be. All my fans know me in the R&B realm. That’s the core. But, also, within the R&B there’s a message. There are things I shed light on that I’ve been through. It’s things that other people who’ve been through it too can connect with. There’s a lot of inspiration in it.

I come from a background of people not understanding who you are. Being told what you need to do to fit in and follow other people. You have to follow your first mind and follow your heart. I’ve grown as a person; being a better person in life and treating people the best way I can, making sure whatever I do can help the next person.

THIS: What was your biggest blessing last year?

James A. Worthy: Continuing to do what I love! No matter what the obstacles were, no matter how hard it got, no matter how many noes I received or yeses I received, I always kept going. I never wanted to follow anyone else. I’ve always stayed true to my craft and kept that integrity. That’s very important for longevity.

THIS: How do you teach someone to have better respect for the value of time?

Jame A. Worthy: The most important piece of that is we don’t really have a lot of it. Time is the thing we can never get back. Once that minute is up, you’ll never get that minute back. Whatever you do in life you’ve got to take it serious. You have treat it like it’s the only minute you’ll ever have. I think people take that as a lost cause because they’re so focused on now versus “We don’t know when we’re going to leave this Earth!” The sky’s the limit. We can do whatever we want to do in life but it’s up to us to have that drive to want to it.

THIS: What can we expect from you here in 2020?

James A. Worthy: You can expect new music. I’ve got a brand new project called ‘Kaleidoscopes’. It’s a continuation of ‘Blue Leisure’ which I ended a certain way. It was leading into ‘Kaleidoscopes’ because there’s more to discuss in my life in terms of where I’m at in life, what I’m going through and where my mind is at. And I’m just catering more to the R&B lovers, bringing feel-good music back. You’re going to see me collaborate with more artists and just continuing to build a brand. More television, films, music, visuals… Just building. |THIS

[Written by Mr. Joe Walker | Follow THIS on Twitter @THISENT1]