I was cracking up with my best friend last night about this little makeshift sign I made as a joke.

But this morning the question kept ringing in my spirit. Like, “LORD?! Is that you?!”

It is so easy to find ourselves questioning his thoughts and his ways when we are in a season that we desperately want to be over, but we know deep in our heart that He is growing us in that place.

The growing pains suck, for a lack of better words. They’re honestly the worst! But if we remember who He is, and that his plans for us are good, then when we find ourselves questioning him and even laughing at the comedy of how he prunes us, we can surrender our cares and even objections to Him. We’re left knowing that we will come out more refined than we went in.

If you are in a season where you know that you’re there for His purposes, but you kind of wish you weren’t… Be encouraged.

He works all things out for the good of those that love him.

He wastes nothing.

Be faithful, be fruitful, and allow him to multiply His character in your life. |THIS.

[By Lhauren Singleton]