I didn’t know the victims of [Hurricane] Katrina, yet I wept continuously for all those affected.

I didn’t know Trayvon Martin and other unarmed black men and boys murdered senselessly, yet my soul ached and my body grew numb.

I didn’t know the church goers shot and killed in Charleston, SC, yet I was filled with rage and sadness.

I didn’t know any of the babies killed in schools and victims of other mass shootings, yet my heart was broken by the news.

I don’t have a personal connection to Australia, yet the aftermath of the bush fires left me in tears.

Perhaps the foregoing will provide insight into why the recent crash that claimed the lives of 9 people has touched so many, so deeply.

Empathy doesn’t require a personal relationship or “fandom”, it merely requires one to be a compassionate human being.

Be kind and stay dope. |THIS

[Written by J. E. Hill | Follow THIS on Twitter @THISENT1]