REVIEW: ‘Birds of Prey’


“’Birds of Prey’ is the further adventures of Harley Quinn and is a loud, bright and violent addition to the DC Movie Universe, and it works more often then it doesn’t.”

‘Birds of Prey’ star Margot Robbie reprises her role as “The Clown Princess of Crime” Harley Quinn in this follow up to her star turn in the movie ‘Suicide Squad’.

Fresh from breaking up with The Joker and trying to establish an independent identity, she is targeted by virtually every bad guy in her corner of Gotham, all led by the villain Black Mask.

Realizing the danger, she finds help in an unlikely alliance with several deadly women and together they take on everyone. But will they survive in the end?

The movie jumps right into the thick of things. If you’re a fan of the Harley Quinn character, Margot doesn’t disappoint as she literally disappears into the role. Her performance [here] is better than her role in ‘Suicide Squad’. The world of Gotham is grimy and nightmarish in this one, and fits the tone for this film perfectly.

The action is over the top with the violence; although jarring at times, it’s what you would come to expect from this corner of the DC Universe.

While ‘Birds of Prey’ won’t win any awards like it’s DC counterpart, the film ‘Joker’, it’s a great popcorn movie – as long as you don’t overdo it with the butter – and fans will enjoy it.


[Written by Leland Wyrick | Follow THIS on Twitter @THISENT1]